
Everything Half Price

by Steve Harris,

Disco Toilet 4 – Still at the Vicky Tee

by Steve Harris,
donald trump dribble water

Donald Trump seen in windscreen dribble – @realDonaldTrump

by Steve Harris,

The world’s most annoying squeaky door.

by Steve Harris,

Epping Forest Darts Club

by Steve Harris,

A Tooth Shop

by Steve Harris,

An Unnecessary Sign Perhaps?

by Steve Harris,

Pretty bad grammar

by Steve Harris,

Article: One photographer visited the back alleys of Singapore to capture ‘hidden doors’

by Steve Harris,

Morrison’s Ice Mushrooms

by Steve Harris,

Does ice cream contain egg?

by Steve Harris,

Watch “Disco Toilet 3” on YouTube

by Steve Harris,

Where are the toilets?

by Steve Harris,

Decimal Door Numbers

by Steve Harris,

Last Day!

by Steve Harris,

Slippers, Buy one get one free! #slipper #offer #bogof

by Steve Harris,

Sore Throat – #sorethroat #halls #toilet

by Steve Harris,

Driveway Shower – #driveway #shower

by Steve Harris,

Everything Half Price

Everything* Half Price You know, everything*. everything [ev-ree-thing] pronoun 1. every single thing or every particular of an aggregate or total; all. 2. something extremely important:  This news means everything to us. noun 1. something that is extremely or most Read More

The world’s most annoying squeaky door.

It’s not really the fault of the door for being so annoying. In an unnamed Morrison’s supermarket in the UK, a combination of poor door maintenance and a badly placed logjam of stock items coming onto the shop floor seem Read More

Epping Forest Darts Club

The shot is not quite as good as one by the new PDC World Champion Phil Cross, but in defence of this particular shot, who knows where the shooter was aiming? Just seen on a tree in Epping Forest. Visit Read More

Toilet Roll Sculpture

Toilet Roll Sculpture. If this was 30feet high and placed outside, it has everything needed to be a very fine work of art. But in reality, a toilet roll falls (or is stored) on the floor, next to the toilet, Read More

A Tooth Shop

A Tooth Shop Dental Sales? Graphic design is all about size, position, weight and colour. 1. How big are the words? 2. Where are the words on the page/canvas/screen? 3. How heavy/light is the typeface? 4. What colour are the Read More

An Unnecessary Sign Perhaps?

An Unnecessary Sign Perhaps? I was walking along the pavement, as you do, and saw a massive sign that informed me that I must go around the obstruction… to the right. OK, but what choice did I really have? It Read More

Satellite Dish Location

Where shall I put my satellite for a really good signal? up on the roof, up on the side of the house, up on a high wall? I dunno, but UP (up high) would seem to be a good start!

Where are the toilets?

If you’ve never been here before, then you might want to know where the toilets are… Well, they are… Everywhere.

Decimal Door Numbers

When did we run out of whole numbers, and letters? What happened to 167A / 167B etc? By the looks of things, this flat in my high street has decided to use a decimal point instead of the normal a/b Read More

Last Day!

Oh my god, it’s the last day. er, of what? the world? if you are going to make a f***ing sign for your window, hey, here’s an idea, spend 10 more seconds thinking about it and add a couple of Read More